• Residential & Commercial Buildings
  • November 6, 2023

3d work

  • Drafter Type Group
  • Project Duration 1-3 Weeks
  • Level Intermediate
  • English Level Intermediate
  • Languages English

Send Your Proposal If you agree with the price, simply ignore

  • Client Estimated Total Cost

    The total project cost.


  • Drafter Service Fee (8%)

    The service fee that will be deducted from your proposed amount.

  • Drafter Earning

    Total amount you will earn.

  • Stick this Proposal to the Top

    The sticky proposal will always be displayed on top of all the proposals.

  • $12.00
  • Make Sealed Proposal

    The sealed proposal will be sent to the project author only it will not be visible publically.

  • $7.00
  • Featured Proposal

    The featured proposal will have a distinctive color and popped up between other proposals to get the author's attention.

  • $5.00
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101 Days left

Tauqeer ahmed

Member since November 6, 2023

About The Client

  • Australia
  • 0 Projects completed
  • Payment Method
  • Email Verified

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